Competence Matrix

A competence matrix to cope with students’ diversity and change in required practical abilities.

  • The most outstanding feature of JCFL education is its competence matrix, an original development by JCFL, to cope with the diversity of students’ learning motives and practical abilities needed due to changing social trends.
  • The competence matrix is a table showing which of the 17 competences are acquired upon completion of each subject.
  • Different combinations of 17 competences vary according to the different departments and majors and achieve a good balance of high specialization and broad general knowledge, contributing to students’ overall personality development.
  • The introduction of the competence matrix makes it possible to determine distinct features of each subject and list their goals.

It is also possible to link more than one subject in response to changes in required practical abilities.

Conceptual Diagram of the Competence Matrix

The chart below shows:

  • On completing subject A, students acquire competences X and Y
  • On completing subject B students acquire competence Z
  • On completing subject C, students acquire competences Y
Competence X Competence Y Competence Z
Subject A 1 1
Subject B 0 0 1
Subject C 1

Innovative Aspect of the Competence Matrix

Diverse subject structures are described solely by way of multiple competences. In the Competence Matrix, the idea of ‘tuning’, a by-product of the Bologna Process, is adopted. Its innovative feature lies in the fact that the teaching content is not exclusively decided on by teachers, but by discussion with stakeholders, mainly students’ future employers.

Actualizing Type of Human Resource Required by Business.

Types of human resources needed by businesses are very often ambiguous and abstract. JCFL can develop such human resources who prove to be useful in businesses by altering the combination of 17 competences. In other words, JCFL provides a curriculum which is suited to different departments and majors by altering the competence allotment.

Four Areas of the Competence Matrix

All subjects are considered to be an opportunity to acquire one or more of the four major categories of competences

  • Practical Vocational Area
    Area of competence closely related to a specific industry or company that requires highly professional human resources.
  • Literacy Area
    High level of reading and writing abilities which lead to various careers in a knowledge-based society
  • Thinking Area
    Area of thinking which provide a base of improvement in practical professional abilities
  • Social Area
    Area of abilities required in terms of social participation and contribution