Quality Assurance

Educational Quality Assurance

  • JCFL is a college authorized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to issue diplomas to its graduates.
  • JCFL is operated and based upon the assessment by stakeholders participating in two committees ( Assessment Committee by Stakeholders, Curriculum Revision Committee ) set up for the purpose of quality assurance of its operation and educational content.

Assessment Committee by Stakeholders

  • The Assessment Committee by Stakeholders meet once a year to assess the whole JCFL operation.
  • 11 items to be assessed :
    1. Educational philosophy, purpose, type of human resources to be developed
    2. College operation
    3. Educational activities
    4. Educational achievement
    5. Student support
    6. Educational environment
    7. Students admission and recruitment
    8. Financial situation
    9. Compliance
    10. Corporate social responsibility and contribution
    11. International Exchange
  • The latest committee meeting gave high assessment on all of the 11 items.

Curriculum Revision Committee

  • The Curriculum Revision Committee is held twice a year to assess the JCFL curriculum.
  • Four Hospitality-centered (Cabin Attendant and Airline, International Tourism, International Hotel and International Bridal ) departments are the first group for this assessment, providing the motivational force for the whole JCFL curriculum revision.
  • The purpose is to organize a curriculum which extracts the maximum potential from the students and develops such human resources as needed by society.
  • The Competence Matrix, the most outstanding feature of JCFL, came from discussions with this committee.